Friday, April 13, 2012

April 24th Meeting: Google TV Basics and Boundaries

On April 24th (last Tuesday of the month) at 7PM at Google Midtown Charlie Collins will do a presentation on Google TV "Basics and Boundaries."

This session will introduce you to building applications for the Google TV platform. You’ll learn what “Smart TV” is, or should be; what the landscape for multi-screen, multi-device development looks like; where Google TV fits and why it matters; how to build basic applications for Google TV; and some valuable tips about design and development practices for the big screen.

Web resources for GTV:
Android: Designing for TV

Google Atlanta
Millennium at Midtown
10 10th Street NE
Suite 600
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: +1 404-487-9000

Please spread the word about this event and we look forward to seeing you there (anyone is welcome, come see us at the Google and have some pizza/drinks while catching some great sessions - plan on pitching in $5 if you want to drink beer). Also note that PARKING IS FREE. If you park in the building's parking structure a validation/pass will be provided).


1 comment:

  1. Thanks. I enjoyed the meeting. Looking forward to next time.
